Becoming a nomad

Becoming nomad part 1 – Questions to know your current situation

No one knows better what’s best for you than (guess who)… you! So here are some questions to help you find your cup of tea in this nomadic world and start taking action.

1. Why do you want to become a nomad?

It’s not a secret that for every big goal, there’s a why behind. Having clarity of this will help you stay motivated towards your goal.

2. Where do you want to go?

List just one or up to five next destinations you’d like to “nomad in”. Take into account that these destinations should satisfy all your essentials to be there.

Examples of essentials a place should have for me, considering my case are:

  • Security.
  • Nightlife.
  • Low-cost of living.

If you know the city and the amount of time you want to spend there, better. This way you could start searching for the requirements to go according to your nationality or passport.

3. Do you want to travel and stay as a tourist in those destinations?, or you’re looking for a residence permit?

To answer this you should have an idea on how long you want to stay there. If you don’t know yet, or want the easiest way, of course it would be just traveling for the permitted amount of time.

4. Do you meet what’s necessary for a destination of the list from step two?

If so, then you just have to pick a date and take the nomadic tips for this stage.

When the answer is no, the subject goes deeper. The reasons could be many and we’ll keep discussing them in next posts.

  • Financial reasons.
  • Time reasons.
  • Family reasons.

Lastly, be patient if you can’t have that dreamy lifestyle yet. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one first step and this was it! Identifying what you want and what your obstacles are… checked ✅

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